Daily Program
Day starts at 9:15am
Speech of the day
Presenting works & wrap up
Day ends around 3pm
Margarita Köhl / Full day
Beyond Observation – UI in Transformation
In this workshop we will investigate future developments in the field of human computer interaction. Applying methods of speculative design, we will design preferable modes of interaction between human and non-human actors mainly focusing on the emotional aspects of this relationship.
Maria Centeno / Morning
The Landscape Museum
The aim of the lecture is to introduce the Landscape Museum, a digital mediation platform that aims to provide support for the visit and reading of Portuguese sites with landscape value, crossing information about the landscape, its location and the user’s own experience.
11:30 – 12:30
Maria Rezola / Afternoon
Design and Politics in Portugal
It is our aim to analyse the graphic work of João Abel Manta in order to enhance his role as a designer and illustrator in the Portuguese and contemporary political and artistic context.

13:45 – 14:00

Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics.
Stefan Radicke / Full day
Interaction Design for VR Gaming Experiences
The introductory lecture will cover the challenges and possibilities of VR, as well as the capabilities of modern VR controllers. Students are then tasked to design new interaction concepts for common gaming genres, based on state-of-the-art input technology, while keeping the core characteristics of the selected game genre intact.
Ashutosh Mishra / Morning
Design Perspectives in Indian Newspapers
Art means different things to different people. Creativity is primary impulse of all the arts which involves generation of new ideas or concepts. If typography, visual images, layout is properly taken care of and principles of design is applied for any print production it may be an attractive piece of work which may attract maximum readers and viewers.
11:30 – 12:30
Fernanda Bonacho / Afternoon
New Media Literacies
This lecture aims at discussing the importance of critical thought in the communication area and triggering informed class discussion whilst confronting participants with different literacy challenges facing today’s citizens and, particularly, communication professionals.

13:45 – 14:00

Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics.
Florent Michel / Full day
Future Challenges of Designers
In the eighties, personal computers became a new norm, and later in the nineties World Wide Web made information accessible to everybody. Ever since, digital solutions have been the solution for everything. Lately, people have started to become concerned about data privacy, negative impact of social media and IA replacing jobs. How can designers answer to these issues and find new ways of to use technology?
Helena Gabrijelcic / Full day
Human – Digital Media Entanglement
In the workshop digital media will be studied as subliminal connective corridors with information-energetic quality that build informational entanglement between the designer’s and user’s/participant’s experiential field.
11:30 – 12:30
Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics.

13:45 – 14:00

Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics. Workshops continue with daily topics.